Add video content to your website

Are you interested in adding video content to your website?

With the dominance of broadband and faster computers, video content on websites is now a very good idea for many applications.

One of the difficulties with video content is the fact that video content takes up a lot of room and also usually requires programmers to create media player functionality in your website so you can utilise video. All of this can add extra expense to your website

A great alternative to this is to utilise YouTube to host and stream your video content which can then be imbedded in your website with very little technical skill and without taking up any space on your website. When adding video to YouTube, you are given a bit of code that can simply be pasted in your website to then display the video content. It could not be any easier!

Another advantage of YouTube that many corporations and organisations are now realising is the fact that video posted on YouTube is in the public domain and can be found and accessed by billions of people around the world. By posting your video content to YouTube you not only save money on hosting and development, you also reach a new audience that may be much larger that the one accessing your website.