Protect your website domain name

Where is your domain name registered? Many people will register their domain name and forget where they register it or register it under an email address that they no longer use. When the domain then comes up for renewal (every year or couple of years), the domain registrar can not contact the owner and the domain then expires.

If this happens, you will only notice this when all of the sudden your website and email accounts are no longer working. It is then a frantic rush to find where your domain is registered, try and retrieve passwords, make the payment then wait up to 48 hours for the domain to become active again.

You can easily take the headache out of your domain management by transferring the domain names to be managed by Mantis Technologies at

At Mantis Technologies, we will always ensure we have the most up to date details and contact you well before your domain is due for renewal. We can also assist in chasing up your username, password, etc. to ensure you have full control of your domain name.